It begins with a demonstration of your skill level in “Wining School”, overcome that and then we shall evaluate your “Rough Wine”. Finally if you are still standing, every square inch of “Your Body” will be rhythmically consumed.

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Work could call, wifey could be vex, family could want something, and it does not matter. It is to be understood that when this time comes around the usual chain of command no longer applies and you become your only “Boss Man“.

Continue ReadingI’ze De Boss Man!

One thing must be understood above all else; the deep connection between Soca-lovers, masqueraders, pan-people, and our Carnival, is unequivocally, true love.

Continue ReadingCome Back To Me…

True Carnival people know that it takes multiple elements seamlessly aligning to make a festival spectacular. For a start you need a lively crew and unlimited drinks served with delicious bites like the kind supplied by the Bermuda Pie Company.

Continue ReadingThe #BHW2018 Line Up!