The Inheritance Trilogy #1-3.5

N.K. Jemisin

Imagine living a normal boring life, where you are an outcast and keeping a low profile, until your mother dies and suddenly, you find out you are the heiress to the kingdom you have always lived in the dregs of.

The infighting that would follow, the drama, the knowledge uncovered, all of that is in this series.

Simply put, I loved it.

There was a new pantheon of gods, villains who became heroes, heroes who did villainous works, and a story that kept you guessing from one page to the next. Literally. You would think someone was a true monster on one page and as you turned the page you began to fall in love with that person…as the night fell 🙂

N.K. Jemisin has a unique writing style, which might not flow well with all readers, but if you are a lover of fantasy it is well worth embracing, as this story is simply a magnificently told tale. I have never read anything of late with so many unforeseen twists and turns. Until the final page you really do not know what is going to happen, something I found to be delightful. There is nothing worse than reading a story and being able to describe the ending and how the characters will get to it within the first few chapters. With this author you cannot even be sure you are going to stay sane within the same day when you move from one paragraph to the next.

A fun adventure, the Inheritance Trilogy Omnibus is a detailed, fun-filled, emotional adventure that carries you to a new world chock-full of beings who all intertwine and need each other even though they do not think they do.

Read it. It will change you all for the better. This series gives you multiple perspectives, something we can do with a lot more of these days. Nothing is ever as it seems, and beings, because these books were about gods and men and those in-between, are always more than they initially seem.

Hopefully one day, Ms. Jemisin will once again take us back into this world for more excitement with beings (missed friends really) who chase us into another wild ride from Page 1 to Page done!

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