Writing about Books,  Authors, Bookish Things  

D' Book Nook

Listen, my addiction could have been cocaine, but instead it is the most benign and beneficial addiction known to humankind.


I love them. (A massive understatement.)

I also firmly believe that anyone who does not like reading, simply has not found the right type of books or the form of reading that clicks for them. Maybe it is hard on your eyes, or you find the books people recommend boring?

These are simply interesting obstacles that can be overcome.

Books too boring? Find another author or genre.

Hurts your eyes? Try reading digitally so you can increase the font size and adjust the lighting. Or… try audiobooks.

Truly I believe that there is a book, genre, author, for everyone. And I wanted to create a space where I could discuss all things BOOKS.

So however you found your way here…*waves* Welcome!

We are really informal around here. I simply ask that you be respectful to everyone.

And also get comfy and ready to read!

Hello, I’m Mystie and let me tell you about these new books I’m reading and the new authors I’ve discovered.

Welcome to D’ Book Nook!

D' Book Nook

The Poisons We Drink

Honestly, relationships shape this story. Specifically, the ones that define us all. Those children have with their parents, those parents have with their children, because they are not the same. And then those that siblings have between each other, especially sisters. Expanding from those core bonds, and usually based on them, are the relationships individuals have with cousins, lovers, and most important of all, themselves.

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D' Book Nook


This is the book form of stepping onto a spaceship and having your molecules torpedoed across the galaxy not only onto a new timeline, but to a universe far away that is still somehow adjacent to ours. And this alternative universe… it makes your head spin like a top, as it tries to absorb all the sights and sounds your consciousness is suddenly downloaded into.

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D' Book Nook

So Let Them Burn

Kamilah Cole constructed a world with all the home-grown ideals and morals that are drilled into Caribbean-ites from birth. She then smoothly threaded in fantastical elements of gods and dragons, which all built the story into an all-consuming fantasy you cannot put down until you know exactly what happens next.

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D' Book Nook

Realm Breaker

The author took her time to build not simply a world, but ancient history, old feudal lines, and layers of myths and monsters from long forgotten lands. World building feels like too tiny a term to capture what has been described in intricate detail within these pages.

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D' Book Nook

To Shape a Dragon’s Breath: The First Book of Nampeshiweisit

I picked the book up and did not put it down until I finished. The book ravished me. No other way to describe how I felt after. It was feisty, smart, unpredictable, and absorbing in a way I know I will never forget. This author is now one whose work I will follow closely, because she has without a doubt fully captured my attention. To Shape a Dragon’s Breath, the First Book of Nampeshiweisit, is for me, a must read.

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D' Book Nook

Season’s Schemings: A Holiday Hockey Rom Com

I needed a reminder that books can just be good. They can be fun. They can remind you of love, while making you ugly cry with joy. Books can be soft, without trigger warnings, or traumatic triggers, or people dragging themselves over hot coals to achieve some impossible goal. I like those books, but even I can admit, my mind did benefit from reading much lighter fare.

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Mystie's books

Demon Warden
really liked it
Found Family, Grumpy Hot Guy, and a Heroine who finds her POWER! This author knows how to pack emotion and action into words that sink into your soul. I really enjoyed this book, and it will definitely keep me coming back for other book...


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